Monday, March 11, 2013

All the Variousness of Macon

Yeah, I made up a word. What about it?

Anyways, weekends with my kids are always super jam packed. Usually my the end of them I am going, wait, what did I do? And this weekend was no exception. It started off going *straight* from work (like- leaving before the boss did- whoops) to take my son to his t-ball practice. Let me tell yall there is nothing more entertaining than watching a bunch of four and five year olds not only play ball but learn the basics of it.

And luckily my son is on a team with people we know, the funny thing about it to me is that his assistant coach is a person who played football with Bishop's dad and his sister played softball with me. Vine Ingle Baseball and Freedom Park Softball is such a tradition here, and it's really cool to see my child now following in mine and his fathers footsteps. Now, if only he will run the bases without looking to make sure we are cheering him on so he can keep his eyes on where he is going. (Kidding- it just melts my heart to see his proud smile light up when we cheer "Go Bishop!") But now also comes the challenge of juggling activities of two kids. Also Friday was the first Tiny Tots theatre practice for both babies- needless to say, we didn't make it. I would have skipped baseball except this was the last practice before the big game, but the next one is soon and I'm sure the kids will love it. This is a *free* class being put on by the City of Macon- how cool is that?!

Saturday was bananas- Mercer's basketball game at noon, which sadly we lost. Yes I say "we" because I consider myself as part of the team- as a student and a fan. But it was so good to see so many from the community out supporting them. Mercer Athletics is really booming and just as many other events in Macon, we're so lucky to have them. Can't wait to see how they do in the NIT and football in the fall!

Saturday evening, oh my gosh yall, was Project Trio with the Macon Symphony at The Grand. Most everyone who is aware of Project Trio is familiar with this:

So, just imagine this along with a double bass and a cello. Oh wait- I can show you that also... this is one of the songs they performed. As they say it "Project Trio does Jethro Tull does Bach":

Okay so take this and pair it with a full symphony. The end product is unreal. I just am floored that we had that here in Macon and I was happy to see what appeared to be a really good turnout. At least, the balcony was full and plenty of people stayed for autographed cds, myself included. All three members of Project Trio were engaging and willing to talk to everyone and took pictures. It was really cool. I have uploaded some (short) videos to my YouTube Channel.

Now, as for a different Macon music scene- on Sunday The Blue Indian presented Little Tybee, Colorfeels, and Amy Godwin at the home of Tim and Leila Regan-Porter. I have to admit, I knew zero about these bands going in to this. But ever since I watched the Grammys and saw Alabama Shakes and realized they performed in Macon and I missed it- I have been bound and determined to not let that happen again. And apparently Amy Godwin spent quite a bit of time in Macon, I'm not sure if she's from here or what but oh my gosh can that girl sing. Her voice reminds me of Florence Welch- but with almost a more innocent sound, a little lighter. I'm not a music writer so I am sure someone could describe it better than me. I was able to hear a little of Colorfeels before leaving (I was only stopping in briefly after my practice for Spirits Stroll- reprising my role from Spirits in October)- thankfully, The Blue Indian was also live streaming so I was able to catch the end of their performance as well as that of Little Tybee.

We really have such a cool music scene here- and how lucky are we to have everything from traditional kids t-ball, to Mercer mens basketball playing in the ASun tournament finale, to Project Trio from New York along with our symphony, and these emerging bands performing in someones house- all of this in one weekend in Macon! It's really nothing short of remarkable. If you miss out on it- it's your own damn fault. Just like it was mine to miss out on a Grammy performing group here in lil ol' Macon.

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